Monday, September 13, 2010


Did anyone else catch this on the VMAs? I know I missed it when I was watching.....

And hat....And shoes...And bag (not pictured here).

According to Gaga on the Ellen DeGeneres show, ".......It is certainly no disrespect to anyone that is vegan or vegetarian. As you know, I am the most judgment-free human being on the earth. However, it has many interpretations, but for me this evening ... If we don't stand up for what we believe in and if we don't fight for our rights, pretty soon we're going to have as much rights as the meat on our own bones. And I am not a piece of meat."

Sadly, I AM NOT the most judgement-free human on the earth, so I have a few things to say. One is this...Gaga, I love ya, but if you're going to make political statements you need to be a little more articulate and emphatic about them.......Two: I don't really get it. Does the meat on our bones not have rights?......And three is this: Cool dress! Very cool dress! You rock!

Thanks to Amanda for calling my attention to the meat dress.