Monday, September 13, 2010

My Blog

Dear Internet,

I've done it. I've started a blog! This is my first post. (Actually, it's my second. See the earlier post and the a-hole who commented.) At any rate, this is my first "official" post.....I know I'm not needed here, but I feel I have so much to say and no outlet. I really think that I have original thoughts to add to the whirling, spiraling, ever-growing tornado of information that you hold. There's always the possibility that no one will read the things that I write and it won't matter that I was here at all. I hope that's not the case. I hope people will read, absorb, respond, filter, and amplify.

What will I write about you ask, oh wise internet......In a word - stuff.......I want to share what I'm interested in. If I have an experience that I gleaned some new information from, I'll tell about it here. If I have a thought that I feel is original, I'll voice it here. If I come across a piece of music or an object that I think is worth telling about, I'll display it here. No doubt my posts will vary throughout the things that I'm interested, pop culture, California living, real estate, travel, and who knows what else.....but they will also have the common thread of being from me.

Internet, I'd like to speak candidly with you...... I don't read everything you put out. I know it's very closed minded of me. I can't help it, I mean, I don't like to read THAT much, and there's so much of you that I'm just not interested it. I'm sorry. I hope I haven't hurt your feelings. But here's the bright side… I am pontificating on all of my various musings, I won't for a moment suspect that all of your readers are set in rapture of my every word. I believe that they will be like me, simply grazing across the surface of you taking up bits and pieces as they go. We are all taking in the breadth of you more often than the depth of you.

Having said all of that, Internet, I still hope that you will believe in me and your readers will take an interest in what I have to say. I hope that a few of them may even check back from time to time to see what I have to say. (Not too often though, I mean I do have a life!).

All right, internet, here I go. Adding to your breadth, and hopefully contributing some worth while depth.

As always your friend, and consistent late-adopter,
